Your HVAC system is a critical part of your home in Currituck, North Carolina. It provides heating, cooling, clean air and comfort. Though you likely use it every day, you may not understand how it works. Learn more about how your HVAC system functions so you can make the best use of it.
Heating and Cooling
The “H” in HVAC stands for heating, and the “AC” is for air conditioning. Heating and cooling is a central function of your HVAC installation. The furnace generates heat by consuming fuel in the form of oil, gas or electricity. Your home’s ducts channel this heat into your living space.
Your air conditioner works by looping refrigerant through its interior and exterior coils. The refrigerant collects heat and dispels it outside the home. The cooled refrigerant then reenters the home where air is blown over the coils, again sending heat into the refrigerant and producing cool air for the home.
A heat pump both heats and cools the home. This system absorbs heat either indoors or outdoors and moves it to the desired space. In winter, it brings heat in. In summer, it sends heat out.
The “V” in HVAC is for ventilation. The ventilation system in your home circulates air through your ducts and around the home. As air circulates through this system, it passes through your HVAC filter and any other filtration installations you have to clean it.
Your ventilation system is also responsible for channeling stale air out of the home and pulling fresh clean air in. This is a critical aspect of your HVAC system that helps you manage humidity and indoor air quality.
To properly heat and cool your home, your HVAC system needs regular care and maintenance. You should schedule maintenance for your furnace and air conditioner once a year. If you’re overdue for this visit, contact Weather Makers at 757-263-4869 to schedule maintenance for your HVAC system today.
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