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Hybrid Gas A/C Units Bring New Options to Virginia Beach

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Weather Makers Hybrid Gas A/C UnitsChesapeake residents may find that packaged HVAC systems provide helpful benefits by keeping equipment to a minimum while ensuring access to reliable comfort control during both summer and winter months. Energy experts note that hybrid gas A/C units with heating functionality often eliminate the need for indoor furnace installation. Meanwhile, there are hybrid solutions that provide versatility and economy in terms of heating activity while ensuring reliable summer cooling performance.

Gas and A/C Units

A packaged system includes all coils and components in one piece of equipment, conveniently housed together for on-the-roof placement or for mounting on a slab outside of the structure. This type of unit is excellent for those who do not have space for an inside furnace. In older structures that may not have original furnaces, for example, this is an alternative to major renovations that might otherwise be needed. In newer structures, this may provide a compact way to free up space inside the home. Companies like York offer hybrid gas A/C packaged equipment for those whose needs during each season are simple.

Hybrid Heat Solutions in Packaged Systems

Hybrid heating involves the use of both a heat pump and a furnace, which work together to keep a residence comfortable while keeping costs low. This dual-fuel heating approach requires appropriate system controls that can direct the proper component of the system to function based on factors such as the outdoor temperature. A heat pump is similar to an air conditioner, operating with the same principles. However, the heat pump’s function is reversible so that inside air can be heated. The heat gain from outside air can be hindered by icy conditions, at which point furnace heating is ideal. This type of hybrid system allows you to enjoy the most affordable and sensible heating each day of the winter. Carrier and Bryant are excellent resources for packaged hybrid systems.

As you consider your next packaged HVAC unit, Weather Makers is ready to provide an overview of the options. Call us at 757-263-4869 to learn more.

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