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Troubleshooting The Boiler in Your Chesapeake Home

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Weather MakersDifferent households have different ways of meeting their heating needs over the winter. Many Chesapeake homeowners choose to rely on gas and oil-fired boilers, thanks in no small part to their reliable and economical operation. However, a sudden boiler problem could easily leave you out in the cold.

It’s times like these when a little boiler troubleshooting goes a long way. Before you give your technician a call, take a pen to paper and walk through the following shortlist of things so you can be more informed:

  1. Check the thermostat first – Make sure your thermostat is properly set to the correct setting (“heat” mode) and temperature setback. If the thermostat display is blank, you may have to replace the battery within the device.
  2. Complete the circuit – Next, make sure the circuit breaker for the boiler hasn’t been tripped. If the boiler’s circuit uses fuses, make sure these aren’t blown.
  3. Give it some gas – Inspect the gas lines for physical damage, and then make sure all of the valves are open.
  4. Relight your fire – Relight the pilot according to the instructions in your boiler’s operator guide. If the pilot is electronically controlled, simply press the reset button.
  5. Check the flue and pipes – Check the boiler flue for any signs of perforation or leakage due to rust, corrosion or physical damage. Also, make sure the condensation pipe isn’t blocked with frost.
  6. Check the valve – Make sure the radiator valve is in working order and properly adjusted to the correct setting.
  7. These troubleshooting tips can help you find and even correct problems that prevent your boiler from functioning properly. If you run into a problem you can’t fix on your own, you can always turn to your technician for further assistance.

To learn more boiler troubleshooting tips, contact the seasoned professionals at Weather Makers. We offer 24 hour emergency service throughout the Chesapeake area.

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