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Is Your AC System Costing You Money?

AC System Thermostat

As a homeowner Elizabeth City, NC, you want an air conditioner that keeps you comfortable without adding unexpected expenses. However, your AC system may suddenly start costing you more for repairs. Here are some signs that you’re spending too much to keep your AC system functioning and what to do about it:

High Energy Bills

A rise in energy bills is the first indicator that your AC system is becoming too expensive to maintain. You may notice a steady increase in your monthly bill, yet there are no changes in weather or utility rates. Reduced AC system performance could be causing this increase.

Multiple factors can interfere with your unit’s performance. A service technician can check your AC system to identify the problem.

Your AC System is Old

An air conditioner’s lifespan is typically 15 to 20 years. The system may continue to run longer than this, but it’ll be less efficient. You’ll be less comfortable indoors while your repair and maintenance costs will increase.

Consider replacing your AC system if it’s nearing the end of its lifespan. Modern units have high SEER ratings that can save you on your cooling costs. An AC replacement will let you avoid the headache of frequent breakdowns.

Frequent AC Repairs

Just like any machine, your air conditioner may break down once in a while. However, your air conditioner may start failing more often, making you uncomfortable and resulting in expensive repairs. Replacing your system might be the best way to restore your comfort and peace of mind.

Your Unit Runs All the Time

Ideally, your air conditioner shouldn’t run all the time. It should operate in cycles to cool your living space.

Factors such as dirty evaporator coils, thermostat issues, an incorrectly sized unit or dirty filters may cause this problem. A service technician can help you to identify the cause and recommend solutions.

Contact Weather Makers for timely and exceptional air conditioning services. We have many years of experience, and our knowledgeable service technicians will handle your system with care.

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