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4 Benefits of Packaged HVAC Systems in Portsmouth, VA

HVAC Systems

When buying a new HVAC system for your Portsmouth, VA, home, you have many options. Let’s explore the benefits of installing a packaged HVAC system.

Save Interior Space

A bulky heating and cooling system can be very inconvenient if you live in a cramped space. Packaged HVAC systems have a unique design that allows the compilation of the cooling and heating units in a single cabinet.

Therefore, it comes in handy when remodeling your home or trying to downsize. You can place the compact system on the roof or beside your house. This will create more space inside for personal use.

Cost-Effective HVAC System

The initial cost of packaged systems and the installation costs are much lower than the split systems. It can also be less than separately purchasing a heating and a cooling system.

The cost of repairs is also lower in packaged systems. With proper installation and maintenance, this system can serve you longer.

Offer High Efficiency Ratings

Installation of any HVAC system in your home is a worthy investment. However, with a packaged system, you get more space and cost efficiency. Most packaged systems are energy-saving models, saving you on monthly bills.

These systems are often compatible with programmable or smart thermostats and zoning to lower utility bills. You can heat and cool occupied rooms, letting occupants in different areas set their temperatures.

Easy Installation and Maintenance

Installing and maintaining packaged systems is easier and cheaper than other systems. This is because they come in one unit pre-assembled at the factory. Your service technician won’t endure the hassle of linking indoor and outdoor units.

Finding an ideal place to put your system will also be much easier. At the same time, their robust casing can withstand harsh weather conditions. This reduces its damage risks and repair needs.

The durability and quality of your system’s service depend on the installer’s expertise. For professional HVAC installation and repair services, contact us at Weather Makers today.

Image provided by iStock

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