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HVAC Zoning Dampers: Everything You Need to Know

Discussing HVAC Zoning Dampers

Installing dampers will significantly improve the durability and longevity of the HVAC system in your Virginia Beach, VA, home. With HVAC dampers, it becomes easier to control the distribution of air, which is particularly an advantage in homes with zoned heating and cooling. Keep reading to learn how HVAC zoning dampers work and the different types available.

How Do HVAC Zoning Dampers Work?

HVAC dampers usually come in the form of a valve or plate. The primary function of the dampers is to open and close, thus increasing or minimizing airflow in certain parts of the HVAC system’s distribution network. You can use HVAC dampers to completely eliminate airflow in one or more unused zones inside your home.

Benefits of HVAC Dampers

By giving you precise control over heating and cooling airflow, dampers make it simple to achieve optimal HVAC energy efficiency. More so, you gain the ability to decrease energy waste in parts of the home that you don’t use often. Ultimately, you gain the ability to maintain your desired comfort level while saving money on heating and cooling expenses in Virginia Beach, VA.

Types of HVAC Dampers

Dampers for the HVAC system come in two basic types: manual and automatic. Manual dampers require you to use a lever to manually open and close vents and ducts. Although manual dampers require no maintenance and exhibit reliable durability, they don’t provide as much precise control over airflow as automatic dampers do.

Automatic dampers work in much the same way as manual ones. However, they do support remote control, meaning you can close and open vents and ducts from your smartphone even when away from home. Additionally, automatic dampers can intuitively self-regulate themselves in response to fluctuating humidity and temperature levels.

HVAC zoning dampers are relatively easy to install, but you should always let a professional specialist handle the installation for you. Are you building a home in Virginia Beach, VA? Contact Weather Makers today and schedule an appointment to install HVAC zoning dampers in your business or home.

Image provided by iStock

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